Sunday 6 October 2013

Dr Churnjeet Mahn of University of Surrey(UK) honoured at SGGSWU

Gurpreet Singh Mehak
Dr Churnjeet Mahn, Lecturer in English, Director of Postgraduate
Research School of English and Languages, University of Surrey,
Guildford(UK) was  honoured at SGPC run -Sri Guru Granth Sahib
World University(SGGSWU) by the university VC Dr Gurmohan Singh Walia.
Speaking on this occasion Dr Walia said a two weeks workshop
organized by  University of Surrey  and Cultural Resource Conservation
Initiative (CRCI ) on ‘Cultural memories and amnesia at Aam Khas Bagh
in Sirhind’ and Dr Mahn  is co-ordinated  this workshop . In this
workshop, five students from SGGSWU and some students of  local SGPC
run Mata Gujri College(MGC)   participated . He said the aim of
conducting this workshop is to sensitize the younger generation
towards our rich heritage, culture and history. The workshop was
held  under the supervision of Dr  Mahn and other members  Simran
Chopra and  Ioanna Manoussaki-Adamopulou .   Gurmeet S. Rai Director,
CRCI was  among key project member.
AIM OF PROJECT(workshop) :
Dr Mahn informed the aim of this project(workshop) was to identify
forms of cultural memory and amnesia at the Aam Khas Bagh and how new
kinds of connective tissue between past and present can be used to
build links between religious communities that have historically been
subject to tension, conflict and displacement. This is a direct
continuation of work already carried out during the UnBox Fellowship
run by the British Council in Delhi, which brought international teams
together to create design-led solutions in everyday life. She said
this is an Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK) project to bring
international researchers and practitioners together to develop
impact-led research. Outputs from the first phase of this project have
been showcased at the UnBox Festival in Delhi and at the Southbank
Centre in London. Some findings from the project have already been
presented at the University of Warwick (UK) and the University of
Oxford (UK).
Dr Mahn informed the  project in Sirhind involved working with
three groups of students (20 in total) from MGC and SGGSWU . Group 1
has introduced students to film-making with an emphasis on
observational documentation and the collection of oral history. Group
2 involved creating design-led solutions for the lack of signage and
information at the site of the Aam Khas Bagh. Group 3 involved
researching and relaying local views and interpretations of the Aam
Khas Bagh through the medium of oral histories and interviews.
The afterlife of this phase of the project is threefold :
* A suite of educational resources will be given to local Schools to
assist in site interpretation
*  A workshop will be run in the UK for Schools with a high proportion
of students belonging to the Punjabi diaspora
* The creation of an international network of academic and
non-academic stakeholders centred on the history and culture of
* Create new educational resources for Schools and Colleges in Punjab
* Contribute to state policy on community impact and site interpretation
* Inform heritage policy in the UK
*Contribute to academic knowledge about a monument of international
*Transfer new skills to students in the area of Sirhind to create a
sustainable afterlife to the project
*Contribute to the development of document to campaign for World
Heritage Status for the Aam Khas Bagh
*Embed findings on a new website on the GT Road being developed by CRCI
Photo Caption :  Dr Churnjeet Mahn of  University of Surrey,
Guildford(UK)  honoured at Sri Guru Granth Sahib World
University, Fatehgarh Sahib by the university VC Dr Gurmohan Singh Walia

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